Model Info

Laravel Nvim can display the database columns of a model with virtual text. This saves you the hassle of looking at a migration file or opening the database to see what fields exist for a DB entity. The plugin also lists constraints, the database used, and the table name.



You can disable it by changing the configuration:

  features = {
    model_info = {
      enable = true,


Similar to the route info, the model info can be customized.

local app = require("laravel").app

local model_info_view = {}

function model_info_view:get(model)
  local virt_lines = {
    { { "[", "comment" } },
    { { " Database: ", "comment" },  { model.database, "@enum" } },
    { { " Table: ", "comment" },     { model.table, "@enum" } },
    { { " Attributes: ", "comment" } },

  for _, attribute in ipairs(model.attributes) do
    table.insert(virt_lines, {
      { "   " ..,                                                     "@enum" },
      { " " .. (attribute.type or "null") .. (attribute.nullable and "|null" or ""), "comment" },
      attribute.cast and { " -> " .. attribute.cast, "@enum" } or nil,

  table.insert(virt_lines, { { "]", "comment" } })

  return {
    virt_lines = virt_lines,
    virt_lines_above = true,

app:instance("model_info_view", model_info_view)

The plugin gets model information from the artisan command model:show --json. You can explore it to see what variables are at your disposal.