User Command

The plugin offers a single command Laravel

This is the entry point of all actions


The command is built around multiple pieces of logic divided in files in This is not a hard rule and can be extended by just tagging the element that you want to be a command.

for example the routes command is built like this:

---@type LaravelApp
local app = require('laravel').app

local routes = {}

function routes:new()
  local instance = {}
  setmetatable(instance, self)
  self.__index = self

  return instance

function routes:commands()
  return { "routes" }

function routes:handle()
  if app:has('routes_picker') then
  vim.notify("No picker defined", vim.log.levels.ERROR)

function routes:complete()
  return {}

return routes

and the associated command like this:

app:bindIf("routes_command", "", { tags = { "command" } })

The three methods commands handle and complete are require to operate fully.

The User command will forward the calls and parameters to each method as need.


Command to interact with composer like update, install, require, remove are all possible


Interact with artisan commands, if none provider open it in the picker if available


Opens the routes picker if available


Opens the picker of artisan commands only related to make.


Meant to be only use in models, will open a picker for the relations of the model.


Commands picker, are defined in the options like:

    user_commands = {
      artisan = {
        ["db:fresh"] = {
          cmd = { "migrate:fresh", "--seed" },
          desc = "Re-creates the db and seed's it",
      npm = {
        build = {
          cmd = { "run", "build" },
          desc = "Builds the javascript assets",
        dev = {
          cmd = { "run", "dev" },
          desc = "Builds the javascript assets",
      composer = {
        autoload = {
          cmd = { "dump-autoload" },
          desc = "Dumps the composer autoload",

These are really useful to save common commands that you want to run quickly


Open a picker with the common laravel directories like Controllers, Migrations, etc. It can be customized in options like this:

    resources = {
        name = "path"

View Finder

Command to bind, that will look for views in the current file if only one is found will jump into it, When run in a view it will search for the usage to quickly switch from usage and implementation.


To run the php artisan serve. Will spawn the process, which can be stopped with the stop sub command :Laravel serve stop


To run the npm run dev. Will span the assets build process, which can be stopped with stop sub command :Laravel assets stop